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​ Signers Aid Guide ​


Reading the Aid Guide before meeting with the Notary will help you prepare better for the notarization of your documents. A few things must happen before meeting with the Notary to obtain a successful notarization!


Not everything will necessarily apply to you or your legal documents; instead, it is designed to give you an overview of general expectations for the notarization of your document. Therefore, you may consider reading the following information:


  • The signer(s) must be present and prompt at the specified time. The signing will not begin until the signer(s) listed on the documents are present, except for split signing.


  • Signers must be alert and aware, able to communicate with the Notary, and sign the documents independently.


  • The Notary may cancel the signing following the signer(s) being late unless arrangements are made between the Notary, Lender, Title, or signer(s). Be mindful that the cancellation may delay your loan closing, and additional notary fees may apply.


  • The signer(s) will need a minimum of one uninterrupted hour (average time) to sign all documents, including but not limited to CELLPHONES interruptions, TV, loud music, family members, etc. Be respectful and mindful of my time. In the same way, you value your time, I value mine.


  • A clean table is required for the signing of the documents. Avoid having drinks or food on the table during the signing. The lender or Title company would not like to receive stained documents.


  • The hiring company should authorize and approve last-minute changes to the singing. However, additional fees may apply depending on the change before rendering the notary services. 


  • Have all forms of IDs requested by the Notary and a photocopy of the front side to submit and send back with the package. ONLY clear photocopies would be accepted. 


  • The Notary will provide you with the names shown on the documents via phone, text, or email.

    • It is your responsibility as the signer to ensure those names match the names on the identification you will present at the time of the singing and are correctly spelled, including any prefixes and suffixes (Sr., Jr) ​

      • If you see any name discrepancies, please let the Notary know as soon as possible.


  • If cash to close is due, have the correct method of payment requested by the lender/Title ready to submit, along with any other additional documents unless instructed otherwise. If funds are due to you and you wish to have a direct deposit, please have a voided check ready with its respective routing and account number.


  • You may contact your lender and request the FULL signing package to review before the signing appointment. Please note that some documents may require filling in the blanks, answering questions, or providing personal information.


  • LASTLY, AND BY FAR THE MOST IMPORTANT: I am not an attorney, and therefore, by law, I cannot explain or interpret the contents of any document for you, instruct you on how to complete a document, or direct you on the advisability of signing a particular document. By doing so, I would be engaging in the unauthorized practice of law and could face legal penalties that include the possibility of incarceration. Any important questions about your document should be addressed to the lender, title company, or an attorney. National Notary Association



Terms & Conditions for Hiring Companies


Loan Signing services are provided at an agreed-upon fee when booking your order via email, online, phone, or text. The party entering their order is at freedom not to accept the agreed fee. There is no obligation to purchase the notary services.


By agreeing to these terms and conditions, the hiring party knows and is aware of the following: 


  • Hiring parties will pay a fee for notary services cancellation appointments unless canceled in writing via email to or via text at 408-431-0142 one hour before the requested notary appointment time.



  • Hiring parties understand that a travel fee will apply for all mobile notary services appointments upon the Notary's arrival at the signing location unless:

    • The appointment is canceled in writing via email to or text at 408-431-0142 one hour before the requested appointment or 

    • Any issues that arise that are directly and specific to the Notary, such as scheduling errors, being unprepared, or delays on the Notary's part. 


  • Hiring parties any last-minute changes to the agreed-upon signing appointment may result in additional fees. These additional fees will be disclosed before meeting with the Notary and rendering the notary service.


  • Notary services will not be assigned or rendered unless prior arrangements have been made. If your Notary does not arrive within 30 minutes of your scheduled appointment, you may receive a negotiated discount, but you may not cancel your notary services.


  • If your Notary does not arrive within 1 hour of your scheduled appointment, you may receive a full refund if no services are rendered. If your Notary is 1 hour late and services are still rendered, you may receive up to a 50% discount at management's discretion. 


  • ​All signings must be scheduled with a minimum of two hours' notice. 


  • Hiring parties understand that an on-time appointment is allowed only 15 minutes grace before the appointment is considered canceled, including, but not limited to

  • ​signers who cannot sign within 15 minutes of the appointment start time

  • ​having improper identification

  • disputes or disagreements between parties

  • not having the document ready and in hand

  • Arriving late to the appointment. 

  • Or for any other reason. As a Mobile Notary, I do keep a very tight schedule. 


  • Hiring parties understand that having the Notary wait more than 15 minutes will result in the cancellation of the appointment and charge of the travel fee, even if the notarization did not occur.


  • Hiring parties understand that if the Notary agrees to wait until any issues are resolved, the Notary will charge $1 per minute after 15 minutes have passed.​​​

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